3 October 2013 Hong Kong Group Report for APAA (pdf) for the 62nd Council Meeting of 19-22 October, 2013 in Hanoi, Vietnam

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The Asian Patent Attorneys Association (APAA) is a non-governmental organisation dedicated to promoting and enhancing intellectual property protection in the Asian region (including Australia and New Zealand). The association now has nearly 2000 members from 16 Recognised Groups in Australia, Bangladesh, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, New Zealand, Pakistan, Philippines, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, Thailand and Vietnam as well as from Brunei, Laos, Macau, Mongolia, Myanmar and Nepal.

The Hong Kong group was established in 1974 and currently comprises of 86 individual and 26 corporate members. Membership of APAA in Hong Kong is open to individuals practising the profession of patent attorney as well as organisations which comprise such individuals, and other practitioners in Hong Kong who demonstrate a specialisation in the field of trade marks and intellectual property generally.

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